News on Cycling and Mountain Biking in Sicily and Etna

Mountain Biking Etna - 30€

Tour in MTB sul vulcano Etna con Sicily Bike Tourist Service.

Paesaggi unici e percorsi mai troppo impegnativi, rendono questo tour in MTB adatto a tutte le persone che desiderano una escursione in mountain bike sul vulcano Etna.

Da Piano Vetore (1.750 mt circa) ci dirigeremo in Mountain Bike verso la Pista Altomontana (Etna sud), direzione rifugio Galvarina, dove sosteremo, prima di rientrare in direzione Piano Vetore.
L’itinerario verrà adattato alle capacità del gruppo.
Tour di 2 ore nel versante più bello del vulcano Etna.

€. 30,00* a persona (prezzo valido dal 01/07/2019 al 31/07/2019).
Per un minimo di 2 partecipanti ad un massimo di 6 partecipanti.
La prenotazione non è esclusiva.

*Inclusi nel prezzo: Guida MTB certificata, Mountain Bike (pedali FLAT), casco, bottiglietta d’acqua (500ml), barretta energetica e copertura assicurativa RC.

Non include: Tutto quello che non è specificato alla voce “ Inclusi nel prezzo”.

IMPORTANTE: I prezzi sopra indicati non sono comprensivi di servizio Pick-Up (prenotabile esclusivamente come extra), la partenza per questo Tour è da Piano Vetore (Nicolosi), Etna Sud, dove troverete: Guida, MTB e tutta l’attrezzatura necessaria.
Questo tour non prevede scontistiche.

Si consiglia: Abbigliamento tecnico/sportivo idoneo alla pedalata sportiva in Mountain Bike, scarpe trekking/tennis (abbiamo anche la possibilità di montare pedali SPD per darvi l’opportunità di usare le vostre scarpe tecniche da bici, ma la richiesta deve essere fatta in fase di prenotazione), guanti, occhiali da sole o ciclistici, crema solare (stagione estiva).

MTB tour on the Etna volcano with Sicily Bike Tourist Service.

Unique landscapes and paths that are never too demanding, make this MTB tour suitable for all people who want a mountain bike excursion on the Etna volcano.

From Piano Vetore (about 1,750 m) we will go by Mountain Bike towards the Pista Altomontana (south Etna), direction refuge Galvarina, where we will stop, before heading back towards Piano Vetore.
The itinerary will be adapted to the capacity of the group.
2 hour tour in the most beautiful side of the Etna volcano.

€. 30.00 * each person (price valid from 01/07/2019 to 31/07/2019).
For a minimum of 2 participants to a maximum of 6 participants.
The reservation is not exclusive.

* Included in the price: Certified MTB Guide, Mountain Bike (FLAT pedals), helmet, water bottle (500ml), energy bar and RC insurance coverage.

Does not include: All that is not specified under "Included in the price".

IMPORTANT: The prices above are not inclusive of Pick-Up service (booked exclusively as extra), the departure for this tour is from Piano Vetore (Nicolosi), Etna Sud, where you will find: Guide, MTB and all the necessary equipment.
This tour does not include discounts.

We recommend: Technical/sports clothing suitable for mountain biking, trekking/tennis shoes (we also have the possibility to mount SPD pedals to give you the opportunity to use your technical cycling shoes, but the request must be made when booking), gloves, glasses sun or cycling, sunscreen (summer season).

Contact us at the following telephone numbers:
  • +39 3317344397 ita
  • +39 3341970826 ita eng
  • +39 3409729228 ita eng
WhatsApp: +39 3341970826 ita eng

Sicily and Etna Bike Tours in Promotion

 Sicily and Etna Bike Tours in Promotion

Sicily and Etna Bike Tours in Promotion, is the section dedicated to our Tours and Excursions in Mountain Bike and Cycling Tours with all inclusive formula.
Mountain Biking: Excursions and MTB Tours on the Etna volcano, on the Simeto river valley and Alcantara river.
Cycling Tourism: Excursions and Cycling Tours to the conquest by bike of the Etna volcano and the roads and dirt roads of our beloved Sicily, with particular attention to the province of Catania and the surrounding areas.
Our MTB and Cycling Tours, are all with exclusive booking.
What’s include bike tours in Promotion
Each cycling service in this section includes: Shuttle service/pick-up (only where specified), room and board (only where specified), certified cycling guide, bike, helmet, wind jacket, backpack, water, energy kit (with various solutions, depending on the chosen tour) and insurance coverage RC.
During the booking process, the customer can always customize or increase further, the services included in our MTB/Bike Tours and Excursions.
Departure times of our MTB/Bike Tours
Departure MTB/Bike Tour morning: 8.00/9.30 max.
Departure MTB/Bike Tour afternoon (excluding winter and full day tours): 14.00/15.30 max.
The return time from the MTB/Bike Tours, changes depending the MTB/Bike Tours chosen for your excursion.
With the staff of Sicily Bike Tourist Service you can also determine different times for departure of MTB and Bike Tours, of course without altering the normal course of the chosen tour.

Sicily Bike Tourist Service e TripAdvisor.

 Sicily Bike Tourist Service - TriAdvisor

Anche per questo 2019 è arrivato il certificato d'eccellenza.
Sicily Bike Tourist Service ringrazia di cuore tutti i clienti che hanno avuto il piacere di condividere la propria esperienza su TripAdvisor.
Grazie a tutti.