News on Cycling and Mountain Biking in Sicily and Etna

Sicily Bike Tourist Service

Sicily Bike Tourist Service
What’s include bike tours Promotion

Each package includes: Shuttle / Pick-up(only where specified), room and board(only where specified), mountain bike guide, mountain bike, helmet, K-Way, backpack, water, energy drink and snack.
Where specified, reinforced energy kit, includes: water, energy drinks and snacks, energy gels fruit, energy jelly with fruit.
Insurance coverage RC.
Ours “bike tour” are all custom and we start only on reservation.
Departure time of ours tour
Departure tour morning: 8.00 / 09.30 max.
Departure afternoon tour(excluding the winter period and tour full day):14.00 / 15:30 max.
The return time from the tour, changes depending on the tour chosen for your excursion.
With our staff, we can also determine the different times, for the bike tour departures naturally without altering the performance of the tour.